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Scale-up Business Support Services

Scale-up Business Support Services
Business Development inclusing identifying new markets and opportunities
Digital Transformation, Digital and Cloud Project Management,
Strategic and Tactical Digital Reviews, Digital and Cloud Solutions,
Web Domains, Hosting, e-mail, Web Review + Re-Build, CRM, Word Press
Digital Marketing, Social Media, SEO, Ads, PPC, Blogs, Newsletters
Data Management, GDPR, Privacy, Data Detox, Business Risk and Resilience

Scale-up Business Support Services

We can provide every business support service that you may be seeking to enable faster growth and scale-up for your enterprise. from start-up to growing enterprise, we work with all sizes of at all stages of development and growth.

Business Development

We can quickly provide you with Business Development services and activities including identifying new markets and opportunities. Please just ask how we can quickly 'pug-in' to your existing organisation and help you quickly accelerate towards your enterprise goals.

Back-office and Admin Support

We can hep you manage or resolve back-office and admin processing needs. Our experinced consultants can identify what is required, how it can be handled effectively and efficiently - and help yous et up the framework to enable you to focus of your core skills for driving your enterprise forward.

Digital and Cloud Transformation

We can help you establish or enhance your Internet presence, and provide system infrastructures and solutions to address the demands of today's global economy. 

Technology is now a part of everyday life, and any Business can generate sales and reduce costs with the effective application of digital solutions - in today's business environment your systems provide the backbone of monitoring, performance measurement and strategic indicators for your business.

We can establish or develop your company's Digital Strategy - from the strategic planning to day to day systems management we will have a solution for you. Even if you only  require short term or interim assistance on any systems issue we can meet that challenge for you.

From marketing and web sites to client relationships (CRM) and digital process management to regulatory disciplines and financial management - your digital and cloud systems should be working for you to improve your business.

If you are launching your first web site or looking to add on-line payments, digitise processes, or upgrade your current Cloud applications, we can provide "best of breed" solutions and advice to enable the advancement of your IT systems, the Internet and their integration issues. We are system architects for digital and cloud business processes.

This work can be included in our delivery of consultancy solutions or as a stand-alone service. What our Digital and Cloud consultancy values:

- Our philosophy: 'keep it simple' - least complexity means lower project costs, and a higher probability of self-sufficiency thereafter.
- Our purpose: to provide low cost Internet and systems based solutions that deliver both additional value to your business and timely, intelligent management information.
- Our resources: an established network of web designers, developers and solution providers including personnel that have  experience of delivering business applications for the Cloud, the Internet and the World Wide Web since 1995.
- Your benefit - flexible, talented pool of resources delivering leading edge solutions

Web Site Reviews

We can review your web site and provide constructive feedback on performance, usability, and suitability for search engine placement.

Don’t forget there may always a better website a click away.
Why lose your audience and your market?

We can run an audit of your web site and show you how your site can work harder for you and quite probably save money in the process!

Confusing navigation, bad layout, vivid and distracting colours all make for a bad user experience. Usability within websites is something that is so often overlooked.

If you would like to know at least a little more.....

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Domain Name Registration + Management Services

Domain Names are unique World Wide Web addresses to locate your Web-site. 

Have you thought of a great name for your website but don't know how to go about registering it? We are more than happy to manage that process for you.

The selection of a domain name is not always as easy as you would first imagine – particularly if you intend to attract global visitors to your web site. 

There is a need to approach domain registration with consideration or it's impact on: Search Engine placement, intellectual property rights, trademarks and global sustainability.

You may need to consider a number of issues, such as what words mean in different languages, the value of hyphens in domain names, and registering with a registrar who may appear to be competitively priced, but on reading the small print will charge a small fortune for some associated services!

We can advise you on the style of your Domain name, whilst respecting the corporate identity and imagery of your company.

Before you register with your domain name – please check with us first!

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Connectivity, E-mail and Hosting

If you want to be taken seriously in business, then we would advise that you do not use a web-based mail system like Googlemail, Yahoo, AOL or Hotmail

Your e-mail should be serviced by your business domain name – we can assess your requirements and advise you how to set up your e-mail options.

You may already have some web hosting facilities with one of your e-mail accounts or from when you registered a domain name.

Both of these facilities may be suitable for your new web site – however, web sites today rely on a number of techniques and operating system tools – so it is imperative that you decide on what your web site needs to do, and how it needs to be built before you commit to a hosting provider.

Watch out for those that limit the amount of data traffic, the charges can soon escalate, making a ‘cheap’ alternative rather more expensive than expected.

We can assess your needs and recommend hosting companies for hosting your web site.

Utilising our extensive experience of the Internet and Digital environment, we have identified strategic partnerships ad reseller agreements to offer very competitive rates for such services as broadband, e-mail and hosting costs for your web sites with full reporting and on-line support.

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Web Site Design and Build, Word Press

If you require bespoke design to meet your own vision for your company and it’s web site – you can call upon our resources of experience and our passion for best practice standards.

We can help you establish or enhance your Internet presence, be that enabling your web site to provide two way communication with your back-office processes, or eCommerce functionality for accepting payments on-line.

Web design is a process of conceptualisation - to capture the spirit of a company and it’s corporate image generated through it’s products , services, communications, and delivery - and to create an experience that you and your web site visitor will enjoy and want to return to, again and again.

With the continuous advancement of technology and web functionality there is a growing tendency to draw a clear line between web design and web development.

Typically web pages are classified as static or dynamic.

Static pages don’t change content and layout with every request unless a human eg your (web master/) manually updates the page.

Dynamic pages may change their content by either the web user contributing to a page (wg Blog or article) or the client themselves accessing a password protected admin page on the web and updating the content themselves (CMS - Content Management System).

We can provide the constituent parts for Internet trading, and assess any prospective client's requirements for Digital Training. We incorporate the practicality of day to day business activities and provide added value processes to your web and e-mail applications.

We have the combined talents and skill-sets to deliver cutting edge solutions.

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SEO - Search Engine Optimisation

There are many issues that impact on the Search Engine positioning of your web site.

We have a extensive knowledge of the complexities that must be addressed to optimise web pages to achieve high rankings with the major Search Engines......

.....but we can't give away those secrets here - please contact us to find out more.

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Search Engine Placement, Pay Per Click, Ads

There are many issues that impact on the Search Engine positioning of your web site, we have a extensive knowledge of the complexities that must be addressed to optimise web pages to achieve high rankings with the major Search Engines

We see so many people that have built great websites and forget that SEO is equally as important. It is a bit like publishing a great book but with no title and no author and hoping against hope that it will become a bestseller.

Our specialists work with you to determine your marketing goals and target markets – and using leading edge tools and knowledge they craft the ingredients to integrate in to your web site to enhance your web site’s search engine ranking

We also offer specialist services for Pay Per Click promotions including Google Ads... 
- please contact us to find out more.

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Digital Marketing - Blogs, Articles, Newsletters

If you have invested in a web site then don’t just sit there – tell the whole world wide web about it!

Too many web site owners proudly publish their web site and then sit back and wait for all that business to start flowing through their electronic door.

If you feel your web site is not providing sufficient added value to your business, or your search engine rankings are fading, or you need to promote a new product or service then please ask us to reveal what we can achieve for you.

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... Other Digital and Cloud Consultancy and services ...

Opinions and solutions available for Networks, Software's, Hardware, and Maintenance Contracts
Cyber Security Risk Assessments - Environment, Systems & Processes
Internet Use, Privacy, Data, Detox, GDPR and Data Protection Act advice

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More Information

For more information about our Digital and Cloud Solutions - please do not hesitate to contact us:

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exec4 IT and Management Consultants

Telephone: +44 (0)20 8845 7855   e-mail: info@exec4.com

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